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Tips for making the most beautiful photos with your mobile phone

Nowadays you can make the most beautiful photos with your mobile phone. These are now of such good quality that we can process them perfectly for you on any desired size of canvas print or one of our other photo products. But, how do you make optimal use of your phone and the camera function? Do you know, for example, all the functions and possibilities of your iPhone or Android phone? Below are some simple tips to get the most out of your mobile phone camera and shoot photos like a real pro! ;)

1. Practice, practice and practice again!

The most important tip is of course practice and experiment. Practice with light and compositions. You will see that after a while you can take better pictures in all circumstances.

2. Clean your lens

It sounds simple and maybe a bit obvious. But you will not believe the number of people that take pictures with fingerprints or dust on the lenses. Not really surprising as the camera lens of a mobile phone is also not very well protected. So clean the lens regularly with a soft cloth and your photos will be sharp again.

3. Tap the screen to focus the image

The camera of your phone usually focuses on the object closest to it. But sometimes you prefer to focus on another point in the photo. Then tap your finger on the screen where you want to focus and the image and sharpness adjusts automatically. You can now easily determine which part of the photo should be sharp and which part is not.

4. Do not zoom in with the digital zoom

Most phones have a digital zoom which does not work great. Especially with the older phones, the image is only enlarged instead of actually zooming in on the subject. This makes the photo grainy and that makes a photo less beautiful. Choose to go closer to the subject yourself instead of zooming in with the zoom function of your camera on your phone.

5. Keep your phone straight

Make sure the horizon is always straight on your photo. A slanted photo can sometimes give a nice effect, but only do this with photos that do not have a horizon on it. Otherwise the picture will be restless. On many phones you can turn on a grid in the camera settings. With the grid enabled you can see exactly whether the photo taken is straight or not.

Good photo with straight hoirizon Wrong photo with tilted horizon

6. Go for a great exposure on your photo and focus on outside photography

Light is very important if you want to take beautiful pictures. In the dark it is virtually impossible to take beautiful pictures with a mobile phone and even during gray winter days it almost impossible to take beautiful pictures. So use sunny, light days. If the sun has just risen in the morning or just before sunset, the most beautiful photos are taken. If you want to take photos, it is important to photograph with the light in your back. That gives the most beautiful effect. In the open air it can sometimes be nice to take pictures while you look into the sun. It is great to experiment with this!

7. Get to know your camera inside out

Most phones have special and super convenient functions with their cameras apps. For example, with some phones or apps, its possible to adjust the white balance of the camera. Explore all the functions of your camera by searching online for information, reading the manual or just try something. If you know all the functions through and through, it is much easier to achieve great results.

8. Always turn off the flash

If you want to take a nice photo, you better turn off the flash of your camera. Pictures in the dark just do not become so bright, even if you use the flash. Take photos in a light environments during the day without a flash. We only use the flash or light on our cameras as a flashlight and we are happy that the function is there! ;)

9. Use various photo editing apps

Experiment with different apps to edit your photos. Free apps like VSCO cam, Instagram and Afterlight are perfect for experimenting. Try different effects and make your photos even more beautiful than they already were. Look out for various apps that promise impossible edits. They often cost a lot and do not give the desired result.

10. Keep still and stand straight

It seems so simple, but many photos are ruined because they are moved. Try to keep your phone as still as possible when you take a picture. Hold your phone firmly with two hands and your arms close to your body. This will keep the phone stable as it can be.

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